Change is part of life.Women life has phases which are beautiful and should be considered gracious .From birth to in adolescence to motherhood, finally to menopause. The word ‘Menopause’ comes from the Greek word ‘Menos’(month) & ‘Pausis’ (cessation). Menopause is a natural phenomenon occurs at the age of 45-55 years. After the age of 40 years, ovaries reduce their production of sex hormones. As a result, the menses as well as other body functions are disturbed and it cease permanently marking the end of fertility.
Menopausal symptoms in Ayurveda
a) Vata dominant menopausal symptoms- dryness in vagina, extremities get cold, difficulty in getting sleep, mild to variable hot flushes (Invariable), anxiety, panic, nervousness, mood swings, dry skin, palpitations, bloating and constipation
b Pitta dominant menopausal symptoms- Angry, irritable, excess hot flushes, night sweats, extremely heavy periods with burning sensation, skin rashes, associated complaints such as UTI (urinary track infection).
c) Kapha dominant menopausal Symptoms- Weight gain, heavy, lethargy, depression, lack of motivation, hormonal changes such as Thyroid malfunction, fibrocystic changes in uterus or in the breast and excessive fluid retention .
When person has already some predisposition to certain doshas by body constitution, behaviors ect. , same dosha symptoms can be prominent in that person
Long term effects of menopause
Osteoporosis, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease (progressive loss of memory and concentration) are the long term hazards of menopause. The group of signs and symptoms associated with the phase of menopause are termed as menopausal syndrome.
In Ayurveda, Menopause condition is termed as ‘Rajonivrutti” (and menopausal syndrome as Rajonivruttianubandhajavyadhies). In Ayurveda, Menopausal symptom are regarded as imbalance of the Dosha [Vata, Pitta, Kapha] and Dhatu kshya( depletion of certain tissues ) which occurs as a natural & gradual consequence of aging.
Causes of Transition
Ayurveda consider everything in this universe undergo transition or degradation.Hence Menstrual cycle also.Vayu( air + space element) is responsible for menstrual cycle as well as Menopause.At the older age rukshta (dryness) and Dhatushaya ( depletion of tissues) leads to Aggravation of Vata.
Ayurveda has excellent solution for a safe & happy transition into menopause. Ayurveda, the science of life, advocates a holistic treatment of Menopausal syndrome by modification of diet & life style, utilizing various herbs and minerals and offers a reliable option to the convention treatment. Ayurvedic treatment for menopause involves correcting hormonal imbalance with appropriate diet, Samshamana therapy, internal detoxification (Panchakarma therapy), Rasayana therapy and yoga therapy.
Most of the Menopause Symptoms are due the Vata aggravation followed by other Doshic factors. The basic concept of Ayurvedic medicine is “Swasthsyaswastyarakshanam and aturasyavikaraprasamanam cha” prevention is better than cure. In the early pre‐ menopause stage it is better to balance the aggravated or underplay the factors, so that the intensity of the menopause symptoms will be far less or even can be negligible. In order to achieve this one should follow the Dosha based diet and life style principles followed by Ayurvedic herbs on regular basis. If still symptoms persists, it better to undergo “Panchakarma”(Ayurvedic detoxification), which helps in the elimination of vitiated humours or Doshas to bring them to balanced stage, then it is advisable to take few Ayurvedic herbs or decoctions and other preparation to make the transition more graceful.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Menopausal Symptoms involves correcting Dosha imbalance with appropriate diet, samshamana therapy, internal detoxification (panchakarma therapy/samshodhan therapy ), Sattvavjayachikitsa, Yoga therapy, Rasaya n therapy.
1. Ayurvedic diet and herbs-
(a) For Vata Dominant Menopause- Diet - Increase warm food and drinks, regular meals, and use spices such as fennel and cumin. Decrease caffeine and other stimulants, refined sugar, cold drinks, salads. Lifestyle - Early bedtime, oil massage using almond and olive oil, meditation, yoga, Regular exercise like walking Herbs- Ashwagandha (Withaniasomnifera), Arjuna (Terminaliaarjuna), Cardamom (Elettariacardomam), Garlic (Allium sativum ), Guggulu (Commiphoramukul), Sandalwood (Santalum alba)and Zizphus (ziziphusjujube.
(b)For Pitta Dominant Menopause- Diet - Increase cooling foods, water intake, sweet juicy fruits (grapes, pears, plums, mango, melons, apples,) zucchini, yellow squash, cucumber, organic foods. Use spices such as cinnamon, cardamom and fennel. Avoid hot spicy foods, hot drinks and alcohol. Lifestyle - Oil massage using coconut and sesame oil. Use Meditation and other techniques to reduce anger, hatred and resentment. Exercise and exposure to the sun are limited. Herbs - Aloevera, Arjuna(Terminaliaarjuna), Amla (Emblicaoffcinalis), Saffron(crocus sativus), Sandalwood and Use spices such as cinnamon, cardamom and fennel.
(c)For Kapha Dominant Menopause- Diet – Prefer light, dry and warm food, Consume fruits, whole grains, legumes, and vegetables. Use spices such as black pepper, turmeric and ginger. Avoid meat, cheese, sugar, cold foods and drinks. Weekly fasting is helpful. Most or all of the daily food should be consumed before 6 p.m. Lifestyle - Get up early. Mustard oil and linseed oil are often recommended for massage.
Ayurveda massage Abhyanga and menopause. Its a 3000 year old practise which helps in not only oleating the body it helps calming vata and also the nervous system. Study after study has shown massage as effective in easing anxious feelings and stress.It can also be very effective at helping with uncomfortable joints and dry skin.It helps in hormonal balancing and improve sleep.As it improve circulation it helps in movement of lymphatics and also felling of cold in the extremities.